Best content marketing strategy 

Does your website traffic need a boost? It's time to take care of your content marketing strategy. Providing quality content is essential to attracting visitors, but good content ideas still need to be found.

Essential to your SEO, well-planned editorial planning and good content will significantly increase the interest of your visitors and their number.

But netizens are becoming more and more informed on the web, how to find an idea of interesting content to hold their attention?

If you do not know where to start, whether you're lacking the inspiration to create engaging editorial content, check out our tips and tools for finding relevant content ideas and avoiding white-page syndrome.

What is good content?
idea-of-content-content-marketing Whether it is about your site, your blog, a newsletter or publications on social networks, it can sometimes be difficult to find a good idea of the content.

So how could we define good content?

Good content is the set of all the editorial elements that will be searched, found and read, with the very intention of being shared by your targets.

If you succeed in achieving this ultimate goal, you can congratulate yourself on having found some nuggets that will have impressed your readers.

You do not know how to conquer this grail?
Do not panic! In this article, you will find the different steps to take to work on your content ideas and satisfy your targets by offering them a quality editorial adapted to your company.

Also, think about optimizing the information architecture of your website!

Define your audience
The first step in setting up a content marketing strategy is to identify your buyer personas (the different profiles of your audience) and precisely define their expectations and interests:

Who are they? (Age, sex, number, interests or consumption habits ...)
What are they looking for in general?
What is their problem?
How do they communicate?
If you can not identify these buyer personas or the elements that will "hook" them, some people can give you the information you need:

Ask your sales or after-sales teams about your buyer personas. It's a safe bet that they will have many anecdotes to share with you. In permanent contact with them, they are able to describe them and provide valuable information on business opportunities they have detected (among the objections including!).
Get inspired by the comments added to your posts. Whether it's on your existing blog posts or on social media, this information will help you find out what you like or do not like about the topics that make them tick. A good way to create a buzz ...
Probe your community. The survey is a useful marketing tool to involve your community, show you how to listen to your desires and be anxious to answer your problems.
Once you have identified who your readers or potential customers are and why they might be interested in your content, list the expertise of your company in addition so that the solutions it offers can meet their expectations.

Observe the competition and the recent players in your sector
There is no harm in imitating the best! Of course, you will avoid copying or plagiarizing your competitors. Google would not like much and would feel obliged to punish you!

However, using editorial topics already treated by the competition but revisited by you may have a real interest for your readers.

Indeed, at a time when consumers are shopping online comparisons, several opinions on the same issue are still significant.

Your angle of view will bring the issue to the fore and a special relevance if you add additional elements based on your expertise and your professional and/or personal experience.

Of course, you will have taken care beforehand to sort through the topics addressed by your competitors by reserving the ones that will have achieved the most success!

Where to find these topics?

On the blog of your competitors, their publications on social networks, their Youtube channel ...
By subscribing to their newsletters,
By keeping up with the publications of specialized actors and industry experts who often address topical issues.
By searching the FAQs of competitors: they use the questions asked by their customers/visitors to feed this section. Why not use it?
Using a tracking tool, such as Open Site Explorer, to check the pages of the sites of your most traffic generating competitors.
Happy couple with colorful background with defocused lights.

Use web tools for relevant content ideas
Several tools have been widely used to assist you in your Search for content ideas.

By indicating a sector, a company or a keyword, content aggregators (RSS feeds) such as Feedly or Netvibes submit all news related to it.

You will then get relevant and especially recent content ideas!

Identify the hottest topics with Buzzsumo, the tool that tracks the most shared articles on social networks. Insert your keyword and access the most attractive content ideas in one click!

Useful help to quickly view topics that appeal to the greatest number.

No longer presented, Google offers its tool "Google Trends" to highlight the trends of the moment.

This feature of related searches is invaluable for you to blow some good content ideas if you are down.
By entering a keyword or a subject that you have identified, a list of suggestions will be revealed at the bottom of the page displaying the most common searches carried out by Internet users and associated with your entry.

All topics likely to interest your audience. A word!

The powerful HubSpot automation marketing platform offers a topic builder. Showing 2 to 3 keywords, HubSpot offers 5 new topic ideas related to these keywords.

Another way to find several ideas of content around the same subject.

Content marketing: how to find content ideas?

Discover the tools to write well on the Web!

Before you start, our good tips!

To save time, you can "recycle" your old content by updating or enriching it.

Refreshing old content gives you a significant advantage. This practice allows you to retain the benefits of SEO already acquired by the original content.

First come, first served! Have you found a good idea of content on a topic that has just come out? Do not wait for your competitors to grab it before you.

By practicing the "newsjacking" (tracking scoops), you will greatly increase your volume of readers.

So be responsive! Be the first to post content as soon as the topic appears, because your audience will also be on the lookout for this information.

To treat a content idea well, you should not rush to think about it.

What problem does your content have to answer?

It is the answer to this question that must guide the type and format of content to be produced.

Do your future customers need a blog post offering one or more alternatives? Will they be more interested in a filmed demo or video tutorial of your product or solution? An educational and detailed white paper? An encrypted study? A game…?

To do this, align your topics with the expertise of your company using a vocabulary that is understandable and adapted to your buyer personas. By addressing them, they will feel more in tune with what you tell them.

Lateral thinking

You've identified content that works well and has already refreshed it. And this subject is always passionate ...

Why not decline it? By offering several angles of view to the same subject, you approach it in different ways and then produce several contents around the same theme.

A series of contents

By approaching a subject from several angles, this method can lead to the creation of a thematic series of contents in different formats. What varies them, attract more traffic and keep the readers already acquired.

Content marketing: how to find content ideas In the course of your days, you can discover topics that interest you whether or not they are professional topics.

They can come from different sources: a clipping, a photo taken on the fly during a walk or an event, a flyer, an ad or just a note scribbled by hand following a genius idea to which you have just thought.

Everything is good to archive these sources in an "Inspiration" folder that you will keep preciously for your future research of content ideas.

Because indeed, they could well interest also your readers ...

There is nothing like experience to know how to talk about it. Sharing your successes and failures with your audience will give you as much credibility as you know the subject in question.

It will help you to offer advice and warnings, much sought after by Internet users for their qualitative aspect.

Once you have used all of the above techniques and tools and have a complete list of equally interesting content ideas, you will need to sort through and prioritize those that are most likely to hold. the attention of your readers.

Because these must both impact and be relevant to be useful.

Also keep in mind that content preparation takes time, so money. If your content is not enough ROIstes, they will represent a net loss for your business.

In the same way that you have selected your best content ideas, beware of the effects of information obesity. The web lists 2.5 million new blog posts every day.

So yours has to bring something new or different to be noticed. So take care of your approach to stand out!

Here are some things to keep in mind when creating content. For an effective content marketing strategy, good content must be:

Recent and relevant
Adapted to his audience
Current / updated
Customized and customizable
Loyalty ...

Still thinking you need help finding ideas? You do not have time to deal with it? Admin assists you in the construction of your editorial strategy, to offer you ideas of content to broadcast in a relevant way to your audience.