How to become a professional writer

You have considered starting to write. You want to write your own content because you have read many articles from the internet, from other blogs, news portals ... and you are clear that you can do it the same or better than them.

However, when you sit in front of your computer and open a word processor, you realize that it is not so simple. Yes, if you know what you mean, and you have everything in your head. But none of the words you write to start your text convince you, what is happening?

Today I want to teach you to write your own texts. I am going to give you some guidelines so that you learn to write your own content obtaining a professional result.

Writing is a very beautiful job. Being able to convey a message with your own words, composing a beautiful text that your readers like, is very rewarding.

When you write content, either for your blog, your sales the page or your social networks, it's not about letting your imagination flow and letting yourself be carried away by your creativity by writing everything that comes to mind.

You have to do a previous job with a series of tasks to get a striking, beautiful, creative and professional result.

I hope it serves as a checklist, especially if you are starting to write professionally.

Reads a lot
This is something that cannot be negotiated. It is as if you want to dedicate yourself to teaching gymnastics, but you never do sports. You have to make reading a habit. Because reading will give you a lot of vocabulary, something essential when you want to write.

I know that you are still thinking that no kind of novel hooks you, But let me take you the opposite. Because there is a novel that you like.

If you do not have the habit of reading, I advise you to join reading clubs. Try to read something every day; Look, I always have to read for a while before going to sleep. If you do it for 21 days in a row you will have already taken the habit, do you join the challenge?

See everything around you
It doesn't matter if you want to write articles for a blog or content for your social networks. Day by day can give you many ideas that will help you in the elaboration of your texts.

Anything that happens around you can use it as a link to the content you want to write. There is nothing that I find more boring when I read content on the internet than articles that only describe a situation or a product.

You have to get your creative side. And everyday situations are great allies that will help you achieve it.

Know your competition
Even if you have a lot of control over what you want to write, you have to know what and who has written about this before you.

Whether you have an e-commerce or if your blog is thematic, I advise you to know all your competition. Not only will it help you when it comes to improving your goals; You will also have controlled the contents that are published.

And if there is something that nobody has written yet and you can do it, go ahead. Be the first whenever you can.

Make a good previous investigation
Before you start writing any text, you have to do an important work of previous research. You should know what is already published about what you want to write.

It can help you expand all the information you want to provide, as well as knowing what has been said and what has not already been said about such wonderful content that you will publish shortly.

Know your readers better than yourself
This is something you should give a lot of importance because it will help you connect with your readers. Every time you write a post, a page of your website or content for your social networks, you have to write for your potential readers.

Do not write for everyone, as many people do. Because not everyone likes the topic you are talking about. If you write for your readers you will be able to connect with them, interact with them and achieve your goal.

Making content healing

This helps you a lot when placing your content. You always have to write your texts from greater to lesser importance. If you are not sure how to rate this, I give you a trick.

Pay attention to the contents that are already written on the network and see how they have placed the information they want to transmit. Or, said in terms of SEO, place the content that gives the most responsive to the user's query at the beginning of your post.

Sort your content
It is something vital to make sense of your text. You have to be able to sort the ideas of everything you want to tell.

content creation in digital content
Help yourself with subtitles so that the text is not too long and tedious. The famous HEAD1, HEAD2, and HEAD3 that will order in importance from major to minor all your content.
Do you want a trick? Never write more than 300 words in each the subtitle of your texts.
Write correctly
Your spelling has to be perfect. No one continues to attend the content of a text that is poorly written. And when I talk to you about spelling, I also mean the mark, which is a great mistake.
Even if you write perfectly, I advise you to abuse the spell checker. I tell you from experience, Many times, we spend a lot of time writing and there comes a time that instead of writing "moment" we put "moemt", for example.
 Write in harmony
The best harmony that can come out in a text is writing for your readers. Write using a completely conversational language with your reader. Ask him things, tell him an anecdote, invite him to tell you what he thinks, etc.
Never leave your text naked; Emphasize the important with bold. With them, you have to get your reader to understand all the content just by seeing the bold ones, but without abusing them.
And don't forget to include some multimedia content; An image, a video, an infographic. Find the harmony between the text and the rest of the elements that you include in your text.

Make reading your text easier
You have to write for your readers; You must facilitate the reading of your content. Don't abuse very long sentences; you can put some, but it is not good that your text is full of them.
Help yourself with spelling signs such as commas or semicolons. Nor do you abuse very long paragraphs; Ideally, they should not have more than 3-3.5 lines.
And place spelling signs that break the monotony of the text. The content lists work very well visually and help a lot to sort content.

Create your own writing style
When you write, be yourself. Do not try to find a different writing style than you usually express yourself, because your readers will notice.
Many people rely on someone who gives them the security to start writing. This is a kind of shield to get that little push we all need sometimes.
It is not a bad idea as a starting point, but I advise you not to lose your essence. Do not become a character of yourself, be yourself.

Don't Search any words
It is not necessary that you learn a pedantic, complex vocabulary and that only you understand. On the contrary, strive to transmit your content in the simplest way possible.
Believe me that simple words come much more than any redundant and heavy word, which does not come to mind in your text. You know that less is more, always.
Storytelling, a concept that has always existed
It is very fashionable, and they sell it to us as a very new concept. But think that always, throughout history, we have been told many stories.
I advise you to use some storytelling in the texts you write. This will help you twice; On the one hand, it will come in handy to try to explain some of your content.
And on the other hand, it is an excellent way to connect with your readers. One of the maxims that you should never forget every time you write, is that your texts have to be enjoyable and entertaining.
When they tell us stories, we pay much more attention than when they are describing the operation of the mobile phone that we bought this morning.
Write only worthwhile content
Do not put straw, never. It is absurd to think that content of 10,000 words, full of meaningless text, is better than a post of 300 words but with brutal value.
Do not become obsessed with the size of your text. Not because you give it an SEO approach, not to think that with 500 words you have little left. Really, focus your efforts on getting a clear and concise text. If you do so, you have won me.

Create valuable content
If you are not going to write a text that adds value to your readers, I advise you not to do it. All that I have told you before about curating content, knowing the texts of your competition ... also helps you to give more value to your content.

When you search the web and find the content that people are reading, one of the reflections that you should make is how you can improve all that to be read to you, to get to be in the first position.

This will help you increase your authority and get more quality readers.